How to babywear safely in hot weather

If you’re getting out in the garden or on your (government-approved) exercise today and planning to wear your baby, watch this video about babywearing in hot weather.

Charlie did a wonderful Facebook Live earlier today but here it is again if you missed it!

Enjoy the sunshine everyone :)

Babywearing safety - slings in in the heat

If you’re looking for more general information on how to keep your baby safe and comfy while babywearing, head over to our babywearing health and safety page.

While it’s hot though, one of the key things with slings and carriers is keeping baby free from lots of layers of clothing - and keeping yourself cool too by stripping off - maybe not everything (ey ey) but taking of extra cardigans, jumpers and vests is a good place to start. Just remember, the sling or carrier is classed as a layer of clothing in itself!

Sun protection in a baby carrier

Remember Baz Luhrmann? Always wear sunscreen? Well you guessed it, that’s out next hot tip (pun intended!). Cover any exposed skin in sunscreen (your skin and baby’s skin), ensuring of course it’s appropriate for your child’s age.

Next tip - pop a sunhat on your little one to protect their head and keep the sun off their scalp.

Lots of people want to put the hoods up on their carriers, however this actually restricts airflow and can make them hotter, so a sun hat is a safer option.

Also, seek shade where possible - especially during the middle of the day!

Super cool muslin tip!

This is our super secret babywearing tip for those in the know - dip a muslin in cold water, twist it up (see video) and drape it around your neck for instant cooling relief. Cooling mum will help your baby stay cool, too!

So all that’s left is to pop your sunglasses on and enjoy the sunshine. Magic.

Feel free to share your pictures with us :)

Stay cool mamas!


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